New buildings
About six years ago, I built this Roman Prison Tower for the first time ansd decided to use a new tinting technique : I experimented with cold coffee (lefttover from my wife's heavy drinking) and was agreeably surprised. The blocks absorbed different levels of coffee, thus giving more or less darker tones which look quite natural.
Unfortunately, at the same time the waterbased glue that I used did not hold up and my whole building collapsed, leaving only rubble.
I put the blocks away and rediscovered them only recently and decided to rebuild and here you are :
A closeup view of details; the ivy is quite alright and the painted figure from Rackham compliments the whole scene nicely. The basing is done on a regular CD + some Xmas paper ('tis the season).
This is my latest project based on the newest mould from Hirst Arts.
It is a fairly large model and I will have trouble finding the right spot for exhibiting it.
Some closeups
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